You might overthink it, especially if you have dental anxieties and just don’t feel comfortable going to the dentist at all. There aren’t many things you need to do ahead of a tooth extraction, but there are some key steps you can take beforehand to ensure your experience is as smooth and comfortable as possible.
Things to Talk About With Your Dentist
Your dental staff will go over all of the medical considerations that’ll need to be made before you’re cleared to have the tooth extraction. Knowing some of the things your dental staff will ask will help ensure you give them accurate information.
Here’s a look at some of the issues your dental staff will cover with you ahead of your tooth removal procedure:
Do you have a heart condition?
Do you have anxiety?
Do you use medicine to address chronic pain?
Do you have a compromised immune system?
Are you especially vulnerable to bacterial infections?
Do you have a liver condition?
Do you have artificial joints?
Each of these questions are important because you’ll need to manage pain, bleeding, swelling and sanitation of the extraction site after your procedure. For example, you’ll need to bite on gauze after your procedure to help a blood clot form at the extraction site. If your immune system is compromised, you may need to take antibiotics before and during your procedure to minimize the chances of a bacterial infection.
What to Expect from the Procedure
Ahead of your tooth extraction, you’ll be given a local anesthetic to mask the pain. The procedure should progress relatively quickly, but could take longer if, for example, your dentist is removing wisdom teeth have already taken root and additional tools are needed to unseat it. No matter what wrinkles are introduced into your procedure, your dentist will have already accounted for them through X-Rays and other examination methods.
Find Out More About Getting a Tooth Extraction in Dana Point, CA
Schedule a consultation with a local dentist in Southern California to get more answers to your questions about getting a tooth extraction in Dana Point, CA or for information about any of your dental concerns.