Prevent Potentially Serious Oral Health Conditions

dental-patient doing self oral exam Dana Point CA

Start With Monthly Self-Oral Pathology Exams

  • Use a mirror to inspect your mouth.
  • Inspect all surfaces of your tongue.
  • Look for anomalies inside your cheeks and lips.
  • Inspect the roof of your mouth and throat.
  • Feel your neck for lumps or nodules.
  • Examine your face and neck for discolored patches or lesions.
  • Contact us immediately if you discover any unusual or concerning symptoms.

Narly 50,000 Americans Are Diagnosed With Oral Cancer Each Year
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Approximately 20 percent of americans with oral cancer die each year
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Twice as many men suffer from oral cancer as women

Rely On The Oral Pathology Experts

Self-exams are an important aspect of preventing oral cancer, but they’re only the beginning. It is critical for you to receive regular oral pathology exams from professionals like Dr. Eric Baker and Dr. Tim Betita here in our Dana Point, CA office. As medical doctors they are best qualified to examine you for a range of serious issues involving your oral health and overall wellness.

“Pathology” simply means an unexpected bump or lump somewhere on your face, head, or neck. Oftentimes these are nothing to be concerned about—a benign mole or something similar—but in all cases they should be examined to confirm that they aren’t anything that requires oral surgery or other serious medical attention. These can include diseases of the teeth, gums, salivary glands, and jaw, such as cancerous and precancerous lesions, tumors, and cysts.

An oral pathology exam is multifaceted. We first review your medical history and discuss your current situation with you. We’ll then conduct the actual physical examination, looking for any areas of concern in your mouth, i.e., those where the shape, color or texture of the tissue is unusual. We may also perform x-rays, and if we discover any unusual masses, we may complete a biopsy on the tissues. Once we determine what type of issue you have, we’ll develop a customized treatment plan, which may include oral surgery and any follow-up care you need to regain your health and peace of mind.

Symptoms to watch:

  • Red or white patches
  • Sores that will not heal or that bleed easily
  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing
  • Lumps and masses
  • Persistent sore throat/hoarseness

Close to 42,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. Here’s what you need to know.

dental patient suffering from oral cancel Dana Point CA
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Avoid Common Causes Of Oral Cancer

While some types of oral pathology have no obvious cause, and others are beyond our control due to genetic factors, some serious conditions can be prevented by keeping good habits: avoid all forms of tobacco, limit alcohol use, apply lip protection when spending time in the sun, avoid risk factors for HPV, and eat a variety of vitamin- and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. These simple measures can reduce your chances of developing dangerous oral diseases.

Set Up Your Next Oral Pathology Exam

oral surgery patient smiling Dana Point CA